Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Tower of Babel

Following the flood, God commanded the people to “increase in number and fill the earth.” Humanity decided to go in the opposite direction. They decided to build a city with a tower that reached the heavens. They would make a name for themselves and wouldn’t be scattered over the Earth. The tower, known as the Tower of Babel, would serve as a symbol of their power. God’s response was to confuse the languages so they could no longer communicate with one another. His command for humanity was spread throughout the world. The people began congregating with others who spoke the same language. From there the groups spread out into different parts of the world.

Spanish has been a journey. For years I wrote Spanish class off and never cared. I showed up, did the work, moved on to the next level. It wasn’t until freshman year that I realized I knew what I wanted to say, but I didn’t have the vocabulary for it. I could understand more than I could speak. This year sitting in AP Spanish I realized how much I still don’t know. So actually learning Spanish and not just skating by would be the language I would like to learn. 

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