Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Noah and the Flood

God was unhappy with the humans on Earth. He thought that they were all evil so he decided to flood the Earth and kill off all the humans and animals. However, God knew that Noah was a good man so he told him to build an ark and put his family and two of each kind of animal on the boat so that they would be able to live through the flood. It rained for forty days and forty nights. When the flood was over God told Noah to release his family and the animals and multiply and fill the Earth. God also said that he would never flood the Earth again and the rainbow would be a sign of covenant between God and all the animals on Earth.

My favorite animal would have to be the Sea Turtle. They are so adorable and when they are babies they waddle like penguins. Last year I got to see some hatch and crawl to the ocean and it was so cute. Also they are super chill and in Finding Nemo they have really cool accents. So basically, they’re perfect. 

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