Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Here's the story of the Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, as told by me:

God's people were doing very sinful things in the Jordan Valley. And by sinful, I mean completely natural things like having sex. But God, who abhorred homosexuality, sent two angels to investigate the area of the supposed sins. When the Angels arrived at Sodom, Lot greeted them at the entrance and invited them to stay at his house. Once there, the sinful men of Sodom demanded Lot to send out his guests so that they could "meet them" aka do naughty naughty things...Lot did everything he could to preserve the sanctity - he even offered his two virgin daughters. But instead of appeasing the crowd by doing so, Lot ended up angering the men even more. The men barged into the house and the angels retaliated by blinding them.

The Angels, now having enough proof of the sinful ways of the Jordanian valley people, took Lot and his family away to safety while they destroyed it. The angels warned them to never look back, or else they would be destroyed. Lot's wife, however, did just this and was turned into a pillar of salt.

When it was all over, Lot and his two daughters moved to a cave in the highlands. Lot's two daughters realized that men no longer wanted them, so they got their father drunk and had sex with him. The end.

This was, to me, an unfair punishment. God sent those two angels to investigate because he sensed "sodomy," he sensed that homosexuality was "infesting" the city. This "sinful" behavior led to God's ultimate decision to - once again - destroy everything in sight. So was this an unfair punishment? Hell yes. I have always and will always believe that you are born gay, lesbian, bisexual, whatever your sexuality is - and I don't think it's in anyone's right - not even God's - to punish someone for it, especially with the worst punishment available.

Second, why was it okay for Lot's two daughters to BOTH be involved with incest...You'd think that God's destruction of several cities due to homosexual relations would also point to a terrible temper tantrum over incest...but apparently that's a-okay in his eyes.

My mom is a health freak. She used to set out at least 5 of these huge vitamin pills for my sister and I to take every. single. day. My sister got tired of it, so she started collecting them and throwing them away in this little plastic cup. Well one day, my mom was taking out the trash and found all these colorful little vitamins stashed in the corner of our bathroom trashcan. She automatically blamed me while my sister, who has always been the most convincing liar, connived her way out of trouble while i took all the blame. Mind you, I actually kind of enjoy taking pills and i did NOT throw a single one away. To this day, I assert my innocence. And to this day, my mother and father shake their head at me as if I am still a disobedient child who refuses to take pills.

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