Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Tower of Babel

The Tower of Babel is the biblical story of a tower being built. The earth at that time only had one language, so everyone could communicate. The people decided to build a building as tall as they could, almost like a stairway to Heaven. God saw what the people were doing, and realized that these buildings would lead them away from God, so to prevent this, he confused their languages, scattered them throughout earth, and let the city become dilapidated. This way they couldn't build the buildings.
My next language happens to be the language I am learning right now: Spanish. I have been taking Spanish since kindergarten, but I still have trouble with it. I really want to become fluent because Spanish is spoken all over the world and can be very useful, also it would be a waste of time if something didn't come out of all those classes. I want the ability to say that I am bilingual, so I must work harder at this foreign language because I will (hopefully x10000) be fluent one day.


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