Monday, October 21, 2013

Daphne and the Laurel Wreath

Apparently Apollo made fun of Eros for his powers to control love (which was really stupid on his part, this guy could obviously control your life. These Gods are trippin.) To get back at Apollo, Eros shot him with a golden arrow to make him fall in love with the nymph Daphne, daughter of Peneus. Eros shot Daphne with an arrow that would make her never love Apollo. Apollo chased and chased Daphne, where it came to the point of being super sketchy, and he pretty much captured her. She prayed to her father that she would just disappear. Peneus turned her into a laurel tree so she would be safe from Apollo. Apollo still loved her even though she was a tree. He made himself a laurel wreath out of her leaves because he loved her.

If I could be young forever I'd totally do it. Mostly because death scares me. I'd probably get tired of living, but hey, I wouldn't be dead. Plus I'd never get all wrinkly and old. Some people seem to have already found the fountain of youth, though. For example:

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