Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Daphne and the Laurel Wreath

Apollo mocks the archery and arrows of Eros, so Eros gets mad and shoots Apollo with a gold-tipped love arrow, making him fall in love with a nymph named Daphne. He shoots another arrow that is tipped with lead at Daphne, the daughter of the river-god Peneus. The arrow makes her want nothing to do with love or romance, so when Apollo pursues her, she runs away. She becomes tired and Apollo is about to catch her when she reaches out to her father, who has the power to transform. He turns her into a laurel tree so that she doesn't have to be with Apollo. However, he still loves her, so he makes a wreath out of the tree branches to wear around his head and declares that the tree's leaves will always be green.
I don't think we were made to be forever young, no matter what Jay-Z says. I mean, I understand why he wants to, since I don't think BeyoncĂ© will visibly age any time soon, and when she does, it wouldn't surprise me if she gets better looking. But for the rest of us who don't have to keep up with Queen B, we've just gotta go with the flow, no matter how much we droop and shrivel. For me, I think it'll be kind of fun when I'm elderly (hoping I make it there). Old people are really funny and interesting to talk to, never running out of stories to tell. I can't wait to take water aerobics and fall asleep in the mall. Yeah, I may look at my old profile pictures and wish I could be that handsome devil once again, but I'll be content with whatever state I'm in and thankful that I had the chance to be 17. It makes me appreciate the years that I have now and want to make the most out of them while I have the chance.

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