Saturday, October 5, 2013

Pygmalion and Galatea

DISCLAIMER: So before reading this story I had only heard of the term Pygmalion in the context of the play by George Bernard Shaw, now I know it as the only story in mythology that has creeped me out because of its (almost) disturbing content. Thanks Romans!

Once upon a time in presumably Ancient Rome there was a young sculptor named Pygmalion who despised women (the misogyny never ends, does it?) and found his only comfort in the world of art. One day he created a beautiful statue of a woman with which he became obsessed and I mean OBSESSED. He legitimately kissed a statue while caressing various features of its body in a profoundly sexual manner. He even dressed it up in clothing and slept with it in a bed. Thank goodness for Venus who decided to save the day when she visited Cyprus and Pygmalion asked her if he could find a maiden just like the statue. When he returned home and kissed the statue again, it became a woman pulsating with life. He named his love Galatea and they actually got married at a ceremony attended by Venus living happily ever after...

I don't know what you thought of that story but I thought it was totally weird. Anyway I tend to become emotionally attached to characters I read or watch on TV. To bring just one to life is a difficult decision, but in all honesty I would have to pick Dr. Temperance Brennan from my favorite TV show Bones. She is absolutely hilarious in the way she interacts with others, she is a medical anthropologist which I consider as a possible future career path, she is witty, AND she lives in DC, my favorite city in the US, so I think I would be pretty happy with this choice.

Dr. Brennan from Bones

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