Sunday, October 6, 2013


Pygmalion, starting a grand tradition continuing to this day in the form of creepy nerd dudes who declare anime characters their "waifus," really wanted to get frisky with a piece of art. Much like these modern Pygmalions, the original was in no way interested in actual, living humans, although he at least had the courtesy to actually CREATE the thing he ended up falling in love with. He also went the extra mile in satisfying his creepy art-lust - making tributes to Venus during her festival so that she might grant his wish to have a real, live woman to feel up who looked exactly like his statue. Venus, likely in order to get this creep off her back, granted his wish, and thus Galatea was born.
.... There's no, like, moral warning against this sort of behavior, apparently. That's where the story ends.

Anyway, as far as what fictional character I would like to bring to life (AND NOT GET INTIMATE WITH UNLIKE SOME CREEPS), it's difficult for me to pick just one, and since I feel I have to be true to my heart, I'll go ahead and pick all 700+

THAT'S RIGHT FRICKERS. POKEMON. (note: this picture only depicts through Pokemon #493 so yeah there's more where that came from)
Absolutely the characters I would most like "brought to life" would be Pokemon. This is a dream I have had pretty consistently since I was a kid - Pokemon have always fascinated me with their endless variety, their outlandish powers, they're dramatic jumps in ability, and their unwavering friendliness. My only concern with bringing them to life would be that perhaps our world isn't good enough for them. Even in the Pokemon world Pokemon are infrequently abused or misused by trainers with evil intentions. I can only see that happening on a much, much, MUCH wider scale in our world, probably even being accepted as a norm of human-Pokemon relationships (god knows our relationships with the animals we eat don't set a good precedent). The last thing I want to interrupt my Pokemon journey is a massive medical bill because conservatives refuse to allow Pokemedicine to be socialized.

I guess maybe it'd be better if I just went to go live in the Pokemon world. They seem to have their crap together.

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