Tuesday, October 22, 2013

cool old ladies

So, Apollo made fun of Eros, Eros got mad, shot a golden arrow at Apollo (real mature. how old are we, 9?!), and Apollo fell in love in Daphne, who didn't love him back. He followed her while she ran away until she got to the river and the idea of bathing in it was put in her mind by Apollo. She got freaked out (as she should be) and Peneus turned her into a laurel tree. Apollo was upset and made a laurel wreath from her that he really loved and would use for many emperors as a source of eternal youth.

I really don't want to get old. I know that so many of these posts are about growing old gracefully, which I hope that I can do, but I don't want to get old. I'm ready to be past this point of high school (not get rid of, but move on), but I don't want to be older. I think I'd be happy with staying 23-24 forever. Or at least in that mindset. Because as long as I'm happy and don't have all the sad things that people complain about when they get older, I think I can grow old gracefully. But I fear of realizing in my 30s that I'm not married, don't have kids, and am too late to change career paths. But I also worry too much, so maybe I'll just live life normally and get old. 

Still, eternal youth could be pretty sweet.

I know the caption doesn't have to do much with eternal youth, but I want to be a fun old woman. Who cares if this is a clique photo? I like it.

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