Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Sodom and Gomorrah

Three angels appeared to Abraham. He offers to pamper them and so he does. The angels asked him why Sarah was his wife. They tell Abraham that he and Sarah will have a son, which was hard to believe because they were getting old. They said there was nothing too hard for the Lord.
The angels then went to Sodom and Gomorrah to evaluate their sins. Abraham heard their plans to destroy the cities, and asked if they were going to destroy the good people as well, even though they had done nothing wrong. The Lord told him that if be found fifty righteous people in the city, he would spare the whole place. Abraham negotiated the Lord down to finding ten righteous people. The city ended up being destroyed, but God saved Abraham's relative, Lot, and Lot's two daughters.

Everyone feels they've been unfairly punished. For me it's mostly my pre-teen years; my "you're the worst, Mom!!" stage. I see now that my mom was doing what's best for me. So maybe the unfair punishment we feel isn't really all that unfair. It's just not what we want at the time. 

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