Thursday, October 3, 2013

Noah and the Flood

God was very angry with the people on Earth because of all the wickedness that they had created, so he decided to get rid of mankind. However, God favored Noah, so he told him to build an arc so that he and his family would survive the catastrophic flood. God told him to also bring a male and female of every living creature on Earth onto the arc, along with seven pairs of clean animals and any food that they would need to survive on the arc. When they were all on the arc, Gad made it rain for forty days and nights, wiping out all life on Earth except for Noah, his family, and the animals he brought with him on the arc. After a year of flooding and waiting for the Earth to dry, Noah emerged from the arc with his family and the animals. He pleased God with offerings so God made a covenant with him saying that he would never destroy the Earth again.
An animal that fascinates me is the bush dog. I found that they existed when I had to write a paper on them in second grade and I realized that they are really interesting and cool. They live in Central and South America in forests and savannas. I don't really remember anything else about them except that I liked how sometimes they could look really cute but then other times they look super BA.

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