Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Garden of Eden

Six days. It took God a mere six days to create the Earth. In six days day and night were established, land and sea were divided, and then there was life. He began with animals and then man. God created Adam, but He didn't want Adam to grow lonely so He created Eve for the sake of companionship. Adam and Eve lived in complete bliss, naive to the world's good and evil. In the Garden of Eden was the tree of good and evil; the one tree neither of them ate off of until the Serpent tempted them. The one bite was all it took to change everything. No longer naive to the world, Adam and Eve were condemned to a life of suffering. Adam and Eve were the first to encounter the tree and the Serpent, but they were the ones that started all of humanity; they are our ancestors more or less. My dad, a Lexington native, spent a good amount of his childhood in Corbin with his uncle and cousin; I've been there many 3 times. My grandfather on my mom's side is from Eastern Kentucky; I've only been there once. While both my parents were more or less born and raised in the outskirts of town, I was not. My parents grew up knowing how bad life really could be and have made sure my brother and I never life like that, and for that I am forever endebted. Whether it is eating from the tree of good and evil or simply giving your children the best life possible, we all learn from our ancestors.

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