Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Garden of Eden: Solving the equation

In just three short chapters this section of the bible offers a fairly simple answer to where the earth and man kind came from. This is a question that has been at the center of an infinite number of debates and arguments and fights all over the world. I don't know why there is so much confusion, we all know that God created us because the Bible tells us so, right? Some people just need to read more I guess. Anyway, God created the earth in just a matter of days which is impressive considering how big it is. But there was a problem when he finished, it was too perfect, all the other planets in the solar system started getting jealous. So, he thought of a perfect solution, men. Nobody knows how to ruin things like a man who has been given no guidance. But even that didn't work. God needed a catalyst to speed up the destruction... so naturally women were next on the list. But even still Earth was too great, it had to be put in its place. Finally, God solved the equation that would send earth from its current status of "perfect" into a dizzying downfall to a new status of "pretty cool." The missing ingredient was temptation. Earth + Men + Women + temptation - Will power = "pretty cool" Finally the equation was solved and earth was ready to begin its long, un-ending, journey. Well... at least until God decides its time for the sun to blow up. 

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