Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Hope, too!

In this myth, Zeus sends Pandora, Hephaestus's daughter, down to earth in order to marry Epimethus. But, Zeus was mad at Epithemus's brother and gave Pandora a box with a big heavy lock, but the key was given to her husband. Zeus warned her to never open the box, but one night, she stole the key and went to open it. When the box was opened, every sort of bad thing that hadn't existed before, such as hate and envy and disease, flew out and into the world. Pandora was upset and while showing how empty the box was, opened it again, and out flew the bug of hope into the world.

There are a lot of things I could say that are evil and the world should be rid of, but I think a lot of hate comes from a sense of self-righteousness, which I would 'squelch'. I believe that when people feel that they're superior to others and feel that they deserve something in the world because of this, hate is created. There are a lot of good things and bad things in our world, but this is just one of them.


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