Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Pandora's Box

The story of Pandora's Box relates closely to the Christian story of Adam and Eve. Zeus temps Pandora to open this box, just as the serpent tempted Eve to eat from the tree. In the end, the result is the same. The world is filled with unimaginable evils, and women are apparently to blame. It gets rather sickening to comb through ancient myths and see that misogyny is so historically prevalent. It seems that there has been no point in all of time when men weren't oppressing women and uses absurd justifications. However, I do prefer the story of Pandora over the story of Adam and Eve. If I were to reverse some evil that leaked into the world, it would be this sort of oppression. The oppression of women, people of color, LGBTQIA people, poor people... the list goes on. The idea that we still haven't managed to see the inherent wrong in this mistreatment of those who we see as "others" baffles me. So much harm is done to people by those who have more power, whether it be men or whites or cishets or the rich or whomever. At the end of any day, I am overcome with the weight of living in such a hateful world where injustice is the norm. I hope that one day this will all be over.

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