Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Pandora's Box

Pandora Box is a mythological story about a the daughter of Zeus. The story begins with Zeus demanding Hephaestus to make him a daughter out of clay. From this, Pandora is created and is the first woman seen in mythology. All the gods contributed to this creation by giving Pandora assets like beauty and persuasion, making her irresistible to Epimetheus, her husband. Zeus knew what he was doing, for he only wanted to seek revenge on Prometheus, Epimetheus's brother, because he had given fire to humans without Zeus's permission. In order to get revenge, Zeus sent Pandora down to earth with small, locked box. He gave her the key and told her, or anyone else, to never open it, in hopes that Epimetheus's or Prometheus's curiosity would get the best of them. Unfortunately, it was Pandora's curiosity that opened the box, and when she did envy, crime, hate, and disease flew out and escaped into the world forever.
social-media-marketing pandoras box

Pandora's Box and the story of Adam and Eve are surprisingly similar. They both show temptation and punishment, the only difference was the type of temptation i.e. the tree vs the box. I think this story is also trying to tell us about temptation and the difficulties we face to resist it. As for evils I'd like to squash, I would definitely squash lying. Being deceitful does not help anyone, and it will always come back to haunt the liar. The world would be much better off with nothing but the truth, for so many conflicts will be resolved and it will prevent new ones from arising.

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