Saturday, September 21, 2013

Odysseus and the Trojan Horse

The Greek Army had been standing outside of the gates of Troy for several years only able to make small attacks into the heavily armed city. As the rising star in the Greek Army, Odysseus fancied himself a sly genius who could outwit the intelligence and trust of the city of Troy. Because of the heavily armed gate that defended the city, he devised a plan to build a giant "horse" made of wood which would then be filled with the entire Greek Army with the exception of one soldier Sinon who would serve as the decoy. As the plan came into effect, Sinon pretended that all the Greeks had left him stranded in Troy in pursuit of a way to appease Athena who was "angry" with the Greeks. The Trojans permitted him to enter their city along with the Trojan horse which was intended to be the gift to Athena, whose temple, the Palladium, was located in the center of the city. Eventually, the Trojans rejoiced the war was over and went to bed while the Greeks escaped from the horse setting the city on fire and killing the male residents, enslaving the women, and throwing the children from the wall around the city to their deaths below. After the capture of Troy, Odysseus became lost on the way home to Greece becoming stranded for years as depicted in the Odyssey


My dream journey would look nothing like the journey of Odysseus. I am an avid traveler so I would like to go as many places as possible in a given period of time so I would like to purchase a yacht that I could take me around the world stopping on every continent including Antarctica. On my yacht, I could relax with my own stuff instead of having to transfer all of it from place to place, but I would stay in places for weeks so I could get a real feel for the culture and heritage of the place I am visiting.

Modern Replica of the Trojan Horse located in Germany

File:Trojanisches Pferd in Ankershagen.jpg

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