Tuesday, March 4, 2014


It's hard to pick a villanelle that I liked the most, mainly because I have heard "Do Not Go Gently into that Good Night" before, but I did enjoy One Act very much. The poem essentially is about loss, but not necessarily the bad kind. This poem was a reminder of how our lives are constantly changing and that is the only thing that remains the same. This is why I think that the villanelle form best fit this authors message: repetition and at the same time a message about moving forward. Also the villanelle form typically allows the author to speak their mind in the last quatrain, using the previous stanzas as a set up for the "message" and I think this poem utilized that well. To start off the stanza, there is a dash, as if we needed a break (we already just had a change in stanza). This signifies without a doubt that this is what the author is feeling and means to say. Continuing on, she addresses a specific person which is also unprecedented. Here I think she is saying, even though losing your love (because we are in the love and relationships chapter..) was hard, but I am strong enough to move on.

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