Thursday, March 20, 2014


All it takes is one moment.
The flash of the lights, the start of the music,
she had just walked on the stage,
when it ended so quickly.
She still has the drive and the passion,
but no place for it.

She had been working for it,
for that moment
when she could drown herself with passion
and become one with the music.
Time goes by so quickly,
but time stops on the stage.

Two feet on the stage,
a deep breath and it
all stopped. Her mom rushed quickly
up to the stage and in one moment,
there was just music,
and her passion.

Her stomach was a pit of burning passion,
she was going to leave it all on the stage,
she knew her music
forwards and backwards; it
had become part of her and part of the moment
she lost so quickly.  

she and her passion,
came crashing down. The moment
she was rolled into the OR, she was on the doctors' stage,
and it was then that she knew it
was going to be okay. She still had her music.

Her music,
played quickly
continually fed her passion.
She longed to be on the stage 
and to be able to again live in the moment.

Throughout her recovery she lived off of music and passion
the months quickly went by, and before she knew it she was back on the stage.
The surgeries and rehab made it possible for her to have her longed for moment. 

I had originally picked begun as one of my words and basically repeated the same phrase over and over in every stanza, but I changed the word completely and while I know my new poem isn't a masterpiece, I think it is far better than my original one. 

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