Thursday, March 13, 2014


She looked at the sky
and saw the palm trees blowing in the wind
the sun was shining down
washing her face in light.
She wiggled her toes in
the warm sand.

She walked down to where the sand
met the ocean and looked into the horizon seeing the orange sky.
The waves rolled in
like the rushing wind.
She watched the light
dimming down.

She walked down
to see her kids playing in the sand
their skin red from the light
coming from the sky.
The wind
started to gust and she carried her kids in.

When they stepped in
the house, her husband was coming down
the stairs his footsteps muffled by the wind.
The scratching sand
swirled and the sky
disappeared along with the light.

The dark light
washed in 
the windows, the sky
was filled with stormy clouds, bringing rain down
onto the now cold sand, 
that had been stirring with the wind.

The rushing wind
along with the grey light, 
pushed the water farther up onto the sand.
the hurricane was coming in.
Bringing disaster down,
from the sky.

The sand was darkened along with the light from the night. 
The sky brought disaster down on the family.
The wind furiously blowing in. The hurricane’s intensity increasing with every second.

I basically changed my whole sestina because in my previous one I used extremely difficult ending words. My previous sestina didn't really have a meaning and didn't really tell a story at all. I tried to improve this one a bit more, so that it is more of a narrative. This one tells the story of a family on the beach during a hurricane, while other one didn't really make sense after I read it for a second and third time. This one is new and improved.

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