Tuesday, December 3, 2013


When Jason's father died, Jason was supposed to take the throne, but it was stolen from him by his uncle Pelias. Jason really wanted the throne back and the only way he could do it is if he stole a golden fleece from a sketchy island, so he got a lot of men and traveled to the island across the sea. And goodness, he had to fight a lot of freaky things to get that fleece, like serpents and fire-breathing bulls, but eventually he did. He escaped and went home and had the throne. So Jason was pretty happy.

OKAY OKAY I'm really behind on TV and life and stuff but I've been watching Gossip Girl on the reg, and in one of the past episodes, Blair (girl who's kinda mean but also pretty cool bc she knows what she wants) wants a free A but her teacher won't give it to her, so of course, Blair plots this extreme revenge with inviting her to the opera and telling her the wrong time and telling her to go to a restaurant that doesn't exist. WHAT?! So ridiculous and revengeful. (By the way, Blair ends up not getting into Yale because of this little fiasco. Just a lesson learned, I guess.)

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