Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Genesis XXV: Jacob and Esau

Yet another strange tale of brothers. Jacob and Esau were twin sons of Isaac and Rebekah who were fated to be at conflict from conception. Esau came out first, so naturally the birthright as the firstborn was his. He and Jacob grew to be vastly different people. Esau made his occupation hunting and was thus favored by his father Isaac while Jacob stayed in the tents and was favored by Rebekah. One day, Esau comes in from a long day in the fields and asks for some food from Jacob, his brother. In what is perhaps the ultimate prank, Jacob cons his own brother out of the birthright for the food. His brother. Let me reiterate - his brother. I mean Cain did a detestable thing in killing Abel, but at least there was some motive there. Here, Jacob literally just wants something his brother has so he takes it. His name literally means "he deceives." Despite the deception in attaining the birthright (and apparently some blessing of God), Jacob gets away scot-free. God is totally cool with this sin against brother because obviously Esau was so stupid for wanting food and trusting his twin brother.
My hero

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