Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Abraham and Isaac

One day, God spoke to Abraham calling upon him to sacrifice his son Isaac. Abraham was extremely distraught and probably deeply shaken by this request, but he proved his faith to God because he went through with God's request up until the very last second. Then God commanded Abraham to stop, announced it was only a test, and provided a lamb for Abraham to sacrifice instead. I can only imagine how awkward the walk down the mountain was for father and son.

True sacrifice is hard to make. Giving it all for someone other than yourself is naturally against human instinct. To do in on a larger scale with even more of a sacrifice is that much more commendable. But I think the people that make the most difference, other than giving your life for a cause, are those that make little sacrifices every day. A combination of little things can go a long way over time. Like giving a little of your time to help someone with their homework, or asking your sibling how their day was. We make much more of a difference in each others lives than we can ever know, and it is always worth sacrificing a part of your day.

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