Sunday, November 17, 2013

Noah and the flood

In Genesis chapters 6-9, the story of Noah and the ark unfolds. All of mankind has turned wicked and God is not pleased. He plans to flood the earth, kill off mankind and all the animals, and start over. However, there is one man that pleases him, and that his Noah. God instructs Noah to build a massive ark for his family and all the animals to survive the flood. Noah meets all of God's requests. He, his family, and two of every kind of animal gather on the ark as the flood begins. The flood goes on for forty days and forty nights, and everything but what is on the ark is gone. When god finally ends the flood and the ground appears again, Noah gets off the ark and makes an offering to God from the clean animals. God is pleased. He then promises to never flood the earth again by putting a beautiful rainbow in the sky. He then tells Noah's family to fruitful and multiply, and all is well. An animal that fascinates me is elephants. I'm seriously obsessed with them. They are so cute! I love them because they are one of the only animals that is able to express a large range of emotion like humans. They commonly show grief, humor, anger, and playfulness. They take care of the weak and grieve over a dead companion. They actually have death rituals. They dig a grave and surround it for five days. Elephants will never leave their herd unless captured by a human or die. Poachers all across Africa kill thousands of elephants every year for their ivory and have thus become very endangered. This makes me sad because I love elephants so very much. Elephants could be gone from Africa in 20 years. AH! Elephants have excellent memory and can remember pain and sadness. They never forget. So we can't forget them! I am so excited to ride on elephant next summer in Thailand!!! I will be so excited that I will probably cry.

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