Thursday, November 21, 2013

Jason and the Golden Fleece

Jason's father died and he was supposed to take the throne, but his rude uncle Pelias stole it from him. The only way Jason could get the throne back was if he stole a golden fleece from an island across the black sea. He gathered 50 men, built a ship, and set sail to Colchis. Plot twist: sharp bronze feathers fell from the sky. Somehow Jason lived (?) and arrived at the island, only to find out he had to plough a field with fire-breathing bulls and sowing it with serpents' teeth. If that wasn't enough, the serpents teeth turned into warriors that Jason had to fight. He's already established his role as a bad-ass, though, so he found a way to trick the warriors into fighting each other and had his lover distract the guarding snake. After all of this, Jason was able to steal the golden fleece and return home, narrowly escaping evil Sirens that sang men to their death. Golden fleece in hand, Jason tricked his uncle into getting killed and all was well in the kingdom.

Love and revenge? Wuthering Heights. Heathcliff and Catherine.

Thanks, Emma Commbs, for this really really really good drawing of Jason. 

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