Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Abraham and Isaac

Summarized in haiku format for your enjoyment.

God was like "Hey, Abe.
Go and sacrifice your son.
I will show you where."

It was the third day,
For Abe had been traveling.
But then, Isaac said -

"Dad, where is the lamb?"
To which Abraham replied,
"God will provide it."

Isaac was tied up.
Abe had the knife to slay him,
But an angel screamed -

"Stop! Do not kill him!"
And Abe came to his senses.
So he killed a ram.

This sounds pretty wild,
But God was just testing Abe.
He had total faith.

True sacrifice? Yikes. That's a big commitment. I'll try to stray away from religious examples and focus on others. A police man sacrificing his life for his community, a soldier sacrificing his life for his country, a mother sacrificing her life for a child.. those are all commendable acts, if you ask me.True sacrifice is doing an action in a selfless manner without expecting anything back. Imagine what our lives would be like without the sacrifices of others.

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