Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Echo and Narcissus

Echo was a woman fond of talking. She aided Zeus in his extra-marital affairs, but when Zeus's wife discovered her contributions, she sentenced a curse onto Echo that allowed her to only repeat the words of others, hence the origin of the word echo. Echo fell in love with the beautiful Narcissus, but he wanted nothing to do with her. She died alone, only leaving her echo-ing voice to the rest of the world. This was not a one-time ordeal with Narcissus; his cruelty was displayed again and again. Finally, fed up with Narcissus's rude ways, a maiden wished him a life of love with no returning affection. This wish was heard by Artemis and was granted. Narcissus fell in love with himself as he saw his beautiful reflection in the water, but he soon realized he could never have the being in the reflection. Ridden with agony, he plunged a dagger into his heart and died.

I tried to think of a narcissist in my life, but I just couldn't. I'll take that as a blessing and hope I didn't just curse myself. After a minute of thought, though, I remember Johnny Bravo and I think he fits the narcissistic bill. The show basically revolves around Johnny Bravo trying to pick up women. For example:

Johnny Bravo: Hello, 911, emergency? There's a handsome guy in my house. 
Johnny Bravo: Oh, heh. Wait a second, cancel that. It's only me. 

Even if I was a muscular beefcake like Johnny Bravo, I don't think I'd sway toward such narcissism. I don't know what the show would be without that, though, so I guess it's excusable.

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