One day -- as Abraham was living his peaceful existence in perfect contentment, minding his own business like usual -- God decided to make life more interesting, for both Abraham and himself. When Abraham was alone, God appeared before him and commanded him to travel to a certain mountain in the land of Mori'ah, where Abraham would then offer Isaac, his only son, as a sacrifice to God. Abraham willingly obeyed, and he soon departed for the land of Mor'ah along with Isaac and two other "young men." Once the part arrived at the foot of the specified mountain in Mori'ah, Abraham directed the two other men who had traveled with him to remain at the bottom of the mountain while had Isaac journeyed to the mountain's peak to worship and pray to God. The two men conceded, and Abraham was therefore free to, according to the common expression, "lead the lamb (his own son) to the slaughter." Even before he and his father reached the mountain's peak, Isaac suspected some foul play. Noticing that his father had not brought along a lamb to sacrifice, Isaac voiced his observation to Abraham, who proceed to tell him that "God [would] provide himself a lamb for a burnet offering." Satisfied, Isaac did not question his father any further. When they reached the top of the mountain, Abraham built an altar and then apprehended Isaac by binding him with rope. As Abraham laid Isaac upon the altar and drew a knife to kill him, he was suddenly prevented from committing the act by an angel, who told him that God had never actually intended Abraham to offer Isaac as a sacrifice. Rather, had fabricated this pretense of sacrificing Isaac as means to test Abraham's loyalty to God's will. Apparently, Abraham passed the test with flying colors. God then revealed to Abraham the real offering, a ram caught in a bush, so Abraham sacrificed this ram in his son's place. And so Isaac soon forgave his father for nearly killing him and the two lived happily ever after.
I would not say that I am exactly experienced when it comes to true sacrifice. Although I have face many situations in my life where I have had to choose among a myriad of possible life-altering decisions, all of which had an equally significant impact on my life, such situation cannot even begin to compare to the sacrificed made everyday by those serving in the military. I have the utmost respect for such individuals. After all, I could never sacrificed my life to defend my country's interests and well-being; I am not nearly brave enough to do so. Risking one's life to defend others' lives represents the ultimate sacrifice. By that respect, those who serve in the military are perfect illustrations of true sacrifice.
The Marine Corps War Memorial: Honoring those who have served in the military. |
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