Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Abraham and Isaac

God told Abraham to sacrifice his only son, Isaac. Abraham was to talk his son to the region of Moriah, where Isaac would be sacrificed as an offering. Isaac, Abraham, a donkey, and two servants embarked on their 50 mile journey. The servants were to wait with the donkey while Abraham and Isaac went up the mountain to worship. Isaac asked his father where the lamb was, as it was supposed to be sacrificed, but Abraham lied to his son and told him that God was going to provide the lamb, and proceed to bind his son to the stone altar with ropes. As Abraham raised his knife to kill his son, the angel of the Lord called to him to stop, and the angel knew that Abraham feared the Lord because he had brought his son to sacrifice him. Instead of his son, Abraham sacrificed a ram that had been caught in a thicket. Abraham and his people were blessed by the Lord.

I guess true sacrifice depends on what you define as a sacrifice. To some the ultimate sacrifice is giving up the last Oreo to someone else, while other find fighting for a country full of people who don't care about the armed forces is the one true sacrifice. I could take a whole religious approach to this but in all honesty, I don't even know what I believe. I can't surrender myself to something or someone that I don't even know if I believe in. I do believe though that society, especially today's, is all about the me, and the I wants. I get it, I do; I'm guilty of the "I wants," but there are thousands of people who are fighting or have fallen fighting for our freedoms and for the lives of people who are too lazy to get up and help someone out besides themselves. I'm very put out with people and their lack of ineciative. I get not everyone is a leader but everyone can't be a freaking follower either.

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