Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Allusions Noahs Ark

Noah was a good man who lived in the midst of unbelievers/extremely ungodly. God saw the evil and told Noah to build a great 'ark' for the animals (two of each; male and female) and his family. Anyone who would see him build the ark and believe could come aboard and be saved from the flood, but no one did. It took many years to build and they had plenty of time to believe. They were warned, but only mocked and so they perished in the flood. It rained for 40 days and 40 nights. When it was over God put the rainbow in the sky and told Noah this was a symbol of His promise never to destroy the whole earth with a flood again. Noah and his family came out of the ark onto dry ground and worshiped God immediately. This story is important because i love animals and have a dog a bird and two cats and thanks god for letting animals be alive. 

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