Echo was a beautiful nymph who was fond of talking, and whether in chat or argument, she would have the last word. One day, a goddess named Juno was trying to find her husband because she thought he was messing around with the nymphs, but she ran into Echo who just kept talking which made it easy for the nymphs to escape. When Juno discovered this, she was angry at Echo and tolld her, "You shall forfeit the use of that tongue with which you have cheated me, except for that one purpose you are so fond of—reply. You shall still have the last word, but no power to speak first." Shortly after, Echo saw Narcissus. He was a beautiful man who Echo fell deeply in love with. She wanted to talk to him, but he didn't know she was there, so she had no way to reply. One day Narcissus felt a presence and shouted "Who's here?" Echo replied, and after a conversation, Narcissus decided he wasn't having it so, he left. Echo was so heartbroken that she went to the bushes to hide where she withered away to nothing but her voice. The story doesn't end there. Narcissus seemed to be a player and broke many girl's hearts, this came back to haunt him when a woman prayed to the gods that he would fall in love, but feel no return. The prayer was answered, so when Narcissus went to drink the fountain, he saw his own image in the water, and fell completley in love with it. He tried to love the image, but obviously, he got nothing in return. He stayed by his reflection so long that he died from starvation. A narcissit I abhor is a guy I met this summer who worked at the brother camp to my camp. Ugh, he was so annoying. I will not name him, but seriously, I have never met anyone so in love with himself!! Trust me, he was not my "summer fling" that ended poorly and I'm still bitter about (um EW, never ever ever), he is just a terrible human being. One day, a bunch of us went to the beach on our day off, and he refused to get out of the car until his hair was "beach ready". What?!! Who does that!! Gosh I am angry just typing this out. I will refrain from talking about him anymore, but if you would like some stories, come find me at school and I will let you know.

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